
I have a web presence trifecta. In addition to this web site, there's JoePuente.com, which is my personal home page. Kind of an online scrapbook with photos, some of my writing and where you can learn more about me as a person; and JoePuente.net, my online art portfolio and performing arts resume. I'm a filmmaker, actor, photographer and lecturer. So check it out if you need a movie made, a character realized, a picture taken or someone to deliver a speech.

This web site, however, I hope serves a more serious and beneficial purpose. Not just as a digital soapbox for me to occasionally pontificate from but also as a place for dialogue. I want to know what you think. If you disagree with something I might have to say, tell me about it. I try to stay informed and do research before I form an opinion about something but if there's another source of information that I haven't tapped or a point of view I haven't considered, I'd like to know about it.

I'm open to receiving feedback from anyone who might peruse my opinions. If you have feelings about or even criticism of anything I might have to say, please let me know.

If you would like to know my opinion on something that I haven't yet posted, just drop me a line, I'll do some research, give it some thought and post it to my blog (or vlog) as well as give you a personal response.